
My goal as a physicist is to develop a clearer understanding of quantum phases of matter and their transitions. I am driven to develop a "picture-first" understanding that guides me through any analytical frameworks, though I am comfortable with mathematical formalism as well. On the analytical side I have worked in areas ranging from the hydrodynamics of superfluid flow to proving rigorous lower bounds on the number of anyons in a given topological order. To gain further insight I have often turned to numerics, not hesitating to learn whatever methods are called for. This has ranged from building GPU-accelerated PDE solvers to study hydrodynamics and exact diagonalization code that can reach 120 sites to study the fermionic dimer model.
My passion for picture-first physics extends to helping students think about physics pictorially. I have pursued this throughout college and graduate school in a number of teaching and mentoring positions.


  • 2024 - Present: JLDS Fellow, Condensed Matter Theory Center, University of Maryland, College Park, US


  • 2018 - 2024: PhD in Condensed Matter Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, US.
    • Advisor: Senthil Todadri
  • 2017 - 2018: MASt (MSc equivalent) with distinction in Applied Mathematics, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
  • 2013 - 2017: BA in Physics with honors, BS in Mathematics with honors, University of Chicago, Chicago, US.
    • Advisor: William T.M. Irvine

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