Teaching Experience

  • 2024: KTCP, Kaufman Teaching Certificate Program, MIT
    • Taught by: Teaching and Learning Lab
    • See below for certificate
  • 2024: 8.334, graduate statistical field theory, MIT
    • Duties: Grading and office hours
    • Rating: 7/7
    • Comment: "very helpful and patient TA"
    • Taught by: Prof. Mehran Kardar
  • 2022: 8.231, undergraduate solid state, MIT
    • Duties: Grading, recitation, and office hours
    • Rating: 7/7
    • Comments:
    • "Seth was an awesome TA. Very well prepared in recitation - covered new material in recitation, e.g. Landau levels in symmetric gauge, fluid-interpretation of Gross-Pitaevski equation, etc. also very helpful in homework and answered my general questions about condensed matter. also very helpful about providing outside resources"
    • "Seth was very passionate about the materials he was teaching and really patient when answering students' questions. I'm very grateful for his help throughout the semester."
    • Taught by: Prof. Xiao-Gang Wen
  • 2021: 8.06, undergraduate quantum III, MIT
    • Duties: Feedback on term paper drafts
    • Rating: 7/7
    • Comment: "Very good writing assistant. The feedback was detailed and came in time."
    • Taught by: Prof. Maxim Metlitski
  • 2018 - 2022: 8.223, Lagrangian mechanics, MIT
    • Duties: Grading, recitation, and office hours
    • Ratings: 6.1/7, 6.2/7, 6.4/7, 6.6/7
    • Comments:
    • "Seth's recitations were very applicable to the psets and very informative! He was also very clear in his explanations."
    • "absolutely intelligible, knows where students might be confused, big picture and intuition."
    • "Very helpful instructor, very clearly knew what he was doing. Provided excellent explanations!"
    • "Material very relevant to what was covered in problem sets and lectures. Specifically did examples of hard concepts in a way that could be easily followed. Did a far better job keeping my attention"
    • Taught by: Prof. Michael Williams
  • 2014 - 2017: MATH 13000s, intro calculus sequence, UChicago
    • Duties: Grading, recitation, and office hours
    • Taught by: Graduate students

KTCP Certificate: