"Seth was an awesome TA. Very well prepared in recitation - covered new material in recitation, e.g. Landau levels in symmetric gauge, fluid-interpretation of Gross-Pitaevski equation, etc. also very helpful in homework and answered my general questions about condensed matter. also very helpful about providing outside resources"
"Seth was very passionate about the materials he was teaching and really patient when answering students' questions. I'm very grateful for his help throughout the semester."
"Seth's recitations were very applicable to the psets and very informative! He was also very clear in his explanations."
"absolutely intelligible, knows where students might be confused, big picture and intuition."
"Very helpful instructor, very clearly knew what he was doing. Provided excellent explanations!"
"Material very relevant to what was covered in problem sets and lectures. Specifically did examples of hard concepts in a way that could be easily followed. Did a far better job keeping my attention"
Taught by: Prof. Michael Williams
2014 - 2017: MATH 13000s, intro calculus sequence, UChicago